a compilation

Random Shit 

(shit subject to change)

Favorite Band(s): Authority Zero\\Sugarcult\\The Used\\Redfield\\most local punk

Favorite Song(s): One More Minute & Over Seasons (Authority Zero)\\Bonus Track, Pretty Girl, Lost in You (Sugarcult)\\Box Full of Sharp Objects (The Used)\\Poem (Taproot)

Currently in my CD player: Sugarcult\\Start Static

listening to: Breaking Benjamin \\ Polyamorous

Favorite Movie: Blade\\Blade II

Hottest guy(s): Jason DeVore (Authority Zero)\\Tim Pagnotta (Sugarcult)\\Quinn Allman (The Used)\\Vin Diesel\\Ryan Phillippe

Hottest girl(s): Reese Witherspoon\\Agent M (Tsunami Bomb)\\Britney Spears (even though she can't sing and she's a slut)

Favorite clothing: cute punk stuff\\skirts\\low-cut shirts\\tank tops\\flip flops\\cute belts\\wristbands\\pins\\bags\\tongue jewelry\\etc


song: Taproot // Poem

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