a compilation

I'm neglecting my poor website...Oh well. I have another journal, coz UJournal is super slow. It's http://www.blurty.com/users/sugarpunk_xxx. Check me there.
Yeah, I think from now on, I'm just gonna stop writing here, but you can still check out what's goin on with me, usually everyday, at http://www.ujournal.org/users/punk_zombie You can leave comments and everything, so do it.
I wanna go to the fair next weekend, but my mom wants me to go to Rocky Point w/her. Yeah right, not just the 2 of us. Scarrry...I got some cool bracelets today and the cutest pajama pants. Yeah. Got a speeding ticket Thursday night. I was coming home from Jared's house, and he clocked me at 89 mph. Ouch. The cool (but not actually so cool) thing was, he pulled over this other chick at the same time, coz we were going the same speed. Damn if his fuckin ego didn't go through the roof. I hate cops. *gag gag* Me and Jared went to Fascinations last night. It's an adult shop in case you didn't know. Bought some lube and a condom I've never seen before. It's ribbed AND studded. I can't wait to try it out! haha
10.16.02 (officially 10.17.02)
I went to the doctor today. I have high blood pressure. Go figure. I suck. Life sucks. I hate it.
15 more days. I wanna go to the fair. I get to see Sugarcult on Nov. 1. Yeah. Read my journal http://www.ujournal.org/users/punk_zombie for what went on tonight. I'm tired. It's time for bed. Night.
Only 18 more days til Halloween! Yippie! I need more punk buttons. Ya got any to give me? Any links where I can buy em? It'd be fuckin awesome if you could tell me. Yeah.
Well, my 'net is finally back. We got DSL and it's fucking cool. I can do everything 10 times faster than dial-up. DSL is god. I went to Flagstaff over the weekend with Jared. It was so nice up there. The weather was much cooler than down here in Phoenix. I'd like to live there, but the snow and driving would get bad. But anyway...
The weekend was pretty boring. Went over to ASU with Jared to put something in his brother's computer. Too bad it didn't work. ha But it was fun anyway. I got one of those livejournal thingys, except it's called ujournal. Check it out : http://www.ujournal.org/users/punk_zombie
Not much news to report. I'm listening to NILA, the band Joey used to be in. This is actually the first time my computer has let me listen to shit on MP3.com and it's good! Damn, they're kick ass. Check them out. http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/237/nila.html
I'm gonna start school November 11. Yikes! I have to take sooo many hours of Anatomy, I'm gonna puke. Oh yeah, massage therapy is what I'm goin for. I don't think I've mentioned that. If so, get over it ass.
God, it's gonna be weird going to bed early tonight. I have to be up at 6 because I'm going to the massage school to sit in on a class. I'm really not looking forward to it, but I guess I need to get in over with. I'm pretty much only going to see if I'd like it, but I'll probably end up enrolling there anyway. *shrug* I can't think of anything else I'd like to do. I think after I get my massage license, I'm gonna take some classes at a community college, but for now I'm gonna stick to the massage school. Blah ... Yay! Authority Zero's new cd comes out on Tuesday! I'm excited. Hopefully I'll be getting a couple new pics on here in a few weeks. Jared is gonna scan some for me, because my scanner doesn't work with my new computer (fucking Windows XP). So, that's the news.
It's weird how the days go by so fast when you don't have school. Like, just if you're on summer break, the 3 months go by really fast! But now that I don't have school anymore, it just seems like each day is gone before I know it. Anyway - I started talking to a friend of mine again ... I met him online and we were gonna meet but since he's in a band, he never had time. But I'm glad we're talking again. He's cool and makes me laugh, so therefore he's worth my time. :-)
Jared got back yesterday. It was goooood. As soon as he got home I was in my car and on my way over there. Ahhhhh very good. Sex is always motherfuckinggood when you haven't seen the person in awhile. I know you've gotta agree with me. The guy I work with, Sam, even said so. Let me tell you - Sam is the "sexpert." He's had sex with everyone...Almost...He's like, a walking disease...
I had to work at 12:30 today! Tragedy. Yeah I worked from 12:30 to 9:30...It sucked big hairy nuts. Ah but it was just one day, and now it's finally the weekend! I get to go shoe shopping tomorrow! I am SO excited. And then Sunday, I get to see Jared!! I'm even more excited for that than buying shoes. He's in CA right now, so I haven't seen him since Wednesday. :( Now THAT'S a tragedy...
Has anyone ever asked you what animal you'd like to be if you could? Well, I would answer that question - a rabbit. They get to screw basically 24/7 and don't have to worry about those damn condoms! I really envy those rabbits (except when they get run over). I mean, I try to screw as much as possible but Jared somehow gets really tired a lot...Hmm...Rabbits...The coolest animals.
Not much has really been going on since the 2nd. I finally got the Something Corporate cd. After searching for it at Target, they didn't have it so I was at Arizona Mills on Sunday and got it at Virgin Megastore. Too bad it was 5 bucks more expensive than at Target. Dammit Ash! I bet if I went back to Target today they'd have it. I'm looking into buying a digital camera, seeing as our scanner doesn't work anymore. Fuckin Windows XP. It sucks. Or maybe I should just buy a scanner that works with XP. It'd prolly be cheaper...
Went to the Warped Tour today. Seeing as it's Arizona in the summer, we were all fucking hot. We didn't even stay for the whole show because we were so hot. But all in all, I got to see Authority Zero, which was the highlight of the day. Then later we saw Something Corporate. Holy hell the guitarist, Will, is the hottest guy ever. I took some pics of Authority Zero and of Will, so maybe I will have to *try* and scan them to post them. Eh, I'll try. Ah, bed sounds good right now...
Yay! July 2 is the Warped Tour. I'm so excited. It's gonna be a hot mother out there, but I will survive (hopefully, lol). It has been 3 weeks and 1 day that me and Jared have been dating. Woo hoo! :D
Ok, yet again...Not such a long break in writing, but long enough. I finally have a boyfriend. His name is Jared and I love him to death. I've never been treated like I have when I'm with him (and even when we just talk on the phone or online). hehe Blah blah...Stupid shit is all I have to talk about. Oh, I have to go to college. I won't be on my mom's insurance (health, dental, vision, etc) if I don't go full time. So, I'm off Monday to enroll. Yuck. Ah, well at least I won't be a total bum. :) It's off to bed with me now.
Shit, I guess I'll be saying the same thing whenever I start a new entry -- It's been a long ass time since I wrote last. Well I've finally graduated from Hell aka high school. It really doesn't seem different now, but I think when my sister goes back in August, things will seem different. Hell, I gotta get a full time job and that'll suck ass but at least then I'll be able to move out. I've met a boy...No details though hehe. Ahh, sleep is good. I'm going to get some right now. Farewell my friends.
Again, too long since I've written. I'm kicking myself in the ass as we speak ... Well not really but at least that can be a funny mental picture for you. I wanna say HEY to my bestest friends Ash and Luci...I love you guys! And yeah, Ash is the reason I'm putting the Nike site on my links page. They are THE coolest people to hang out with and I love being with them. I'm beginning to feel more comfortable around them and being able to just be myself, no matter how retarded I look. I've only had one other friend like that ... Where I could just walk around her house like I was part of the family and I was close with everyone in her family. I'm hoping within the next weeks before graduation I can become even closer with Ashley and Luci.
It's been too long since I wrote last. I kept telling myself when I first made this site, to work on it everyday. I think the first week or so I made an entry here but after that I started slacking off and not writing anything. :-) Well, I suppose with my oh-so-busy life (yeah right!) I have an excuse. But that's too funny - my life isn't busy at all! In fact, it's pretty damn boring. I'm living my life day by day with GRADUATION MAY 29 in huge sparkly letters flashing in my head. Then I will be freeeeee! lol Sorry that's just me babbling about my boring life. :-) And since I have such a boring life, there really isn't anything interesting to write about tonight! I would've been at prom tonight but I decided about 2 weeks ago that I didn't wanna go. I figured, why buy the dress and the shoes and all those other extras when I'll just have a BORING time? I asked myself that a lot before I actually decided not to go. Plus, not all of my friends are going either so it's not like I'll be the only one to feel "left out." Ah hell I'll just shut up now.
Well, my good friend (and crush, shhh) Marcus went home to Germany. He went on Saturday and it's Monday...I'm missing him like crazy. I'll probably still be missing him for a LONG time. I finally got a webcam so I'll be able to put different pics up every now and then. I was just scanning through my entries here, and noticed the one from 7-6-01 and my Germany friends are coming in April. I'm really excited to see them again. I can't believe how long it's been since they left! Time goes by so quickly...Thank God for that since graduation is only 2 months away.
It was such a blast in Mexico. If you don't know, the legal drinking age is 18 down there, so you can imagine the awesome time my friends and I had! I don't think I would have done the things I did if I was sober...
I'm tired. I don't feel like writing much. Leave me alone. Yeah.
Well, Friday I had the coolest little "shindig" with mi amigas. It was quite fun. I didn't get any pics (damn) but I took a bunch of video...Too bad I'm not talented enough to get it online. Oh god, that would be all we need - for everyone to see it! :-) I stayed home from school Monday and today. Not really sick physically, but just sick of school.
Like I said, I'm bad at working on my site everyday. I still haven't taken any new pictures, but I probably will next weekend. We didn't have school today, thank God, because of a teacher inservice. No school Monday either. Woo hoo for 4 day weekends. No real news though...

I'm terrible at keeping up with my site. I need to get some more pics up, but I have to take some first. I'm home from school today because I'm sick. I hate being sick, but I hate school even more. Anyways - I can't wait for March 15. I'm goin to Rocky Point (Mexico) for Spring Break with a couple friends. We're gonna get soo wasted. The place we're staying is cheap, so that means we'll have more money for alcohol. Yeah. I'll probably have a hang over for a few days after we get back. :)

It's strange to be writing 2002 on things now...I just got back from a friend's house. Before that we went to Starbucks and ended up hanging out with some people from school and people that used to go to school with us. It was an okay time. I still haven't changed my barbell. I haven't been able to buy one because, like always, I'm friggin broke. I had like $100 but I kept spending it so now it's prolly down to about $50 and I still need to get a present for my friend's birthday. There's no way I'll be able to afford a 30 dollar barbell and a gift...I guess there's always my next check. Plus I've been wanting to get my hair done for awhile, but since I'm poor, I'll have to wait to do that too. Damn.

Merry Christmas. Yeah. I finally got a CD burner so I'm goin crazy making cds.

I can play with it now and it doesn't hurt. I'm gonna change the barbell in a few days. Yay.

Yeah. Got my tongue pierced. It didn't hurt. Yeah. It's cool. Swollen though.

Happy Birthday to me.

Nothing worth writing about has been going on lately. I want to drink this weekend. Yeah.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm really tired so this'll be kinda short. I went to a kick ass concert on Friday and had a blast. It was 4 local punk bands but I mainly went to see my fav, Authority Zero. They were so awesome. Well we got home at 1:30 a.m. that night and then I had to get up at 7 a.m. to go to the chiropractor. Then my friend came over and spent the night and I let her have my bed and I took my recliner and I barely got any sleep. So I was tired all frickin weekend. Oh well.

I got to go flying with a couple friends from work today. It was pretty cool. It was like, a 6 or 7 hour flight in a small aircraft, but it was really awesome to see the mountains and stuff. It was my first time in one of the small ones. So even now, about 9 hours later, I still feel like I'm moving from side to side and when I swallow, my ears pop. That was probably the worst part of the flight, when my ears were popping so much I wanted to cry. It really felt like my head was going to explode. :o\ It was cool too, though, that my parents let me go flying instead of go to school. Right on. But I'm so tired...I had to get up at 5:30 and be there at 6:30. I'm about falling asleep here at the comp...

I'm so excited to get the Authority Zero cd tomorrow! I watched the show "Will & Grace" for the first time tonight and I'm definately gonna make that a show I watch all the time. It's so funny. Anyway - I don't know if I'm gonna go to the concert Saturday. I was invited to a party at work so I'll probably end up going to that. I wasn't actually "invited," but merely asked if I was going. So I suppose that was an invite. :) I'm sure Kai wouldn't mind if I went anyway! *lol* Hmm...Yeah and I'm going to Libby's grandpa's house tomorrow night and staying there over night. That's gonna be awesome. Libby's such a cool person. I'll :-x

I went to Starbucks with Amanda today. It was good to talk to her. I felt dumb though because I forgot my damn money at home and then she offered to pay for mine, but I don't like people to pay for things for me so I refused. Yeah, so I've been trying to put a song up on here, but it doesn't work. It pisses me off because I think it works but then it doesn't play. So I've been hunting the 'net for mp3 add ons, but no luck. Anyway...

Hi VACH! lol...Anyway, I can't wait for Friday and then for Saturday and THEN for Sunday! Friday the new Authority Zero cd comes out...I'm driving really fast to Zia and getting it. Saturday I'm hopefully seeing them in concert (with some other local bands but who cares about them) and then Sunday I'm probably gonna go to my friend's church to see this other band. My URL changed a bit. It's a lot shorter and easier to remember. So whatever makes my life easier, I'm all for it. I'm so lazy. ha

I've updated my page a few times, but never wrote every time I did. Probably because I haven't had any halfway interesting news to write. I don't now either, but I just figured since I'm extremely bored I'd write a little something. Oh wait, I do have something interesting and very awesome to write! Well, I met this girl Casey online about a year or so ago and she's also from Arizona. We've never met, but I've sent her a pic of me through email so she knows what I look like but I don't know what she looks like. Well anyway, I was online a few nights after That Damn Show and she asked me if I was there. And of course I said yes and asked if she was there too. Well, turns out she was there. That day, I bought water from a particular stand where the girl who took my money was looking at me really funny. I mean, I was freaked out and even bad-mouthing her! Turns out it was Casey! I was so surprised when she told me it was her! But I kept saying, "Why didn't you say something when I was there?!" I guess she didn't want to feel stupid if it wasn't actually me. I didn't even really get a look at her because she was looking at me so strange! Anyway, that's my cool story for today. I might write a bit more often for the next 2 weeks because I'm on fall break at school so I'll be on here more.

It's been awhile since I've written. I usually forget to come on here and update things. But in the spirit of Halloween/October, I've put a new design up. Also, I put a pic of me and Jason from Authority Zero. He's such a stud. *lol* Well, since I haven't written since Sunday, I'll write about my fantastic, super duper, terrific, GREAT day. I went to That Damn Show which is a concert put on by the local radio station here in Phoenix (for those who didn't know) and included: Staind, Nickelback, Alien Ant Farm, Pennywise, Authority Zero***, Lifer, Prime sth, Trik Turner, Darwins Waiting Room, AFI, Nonpoint, Lit, Jimmy Eat World, Handsome Devil, Boy Hits Car, and Phunk Junkeez. I'd have to say that Authority Zero, AFI, and Staind put on the best show. But don't get me wrong, all the bands were good. I bought a Damn Show tshirt and got some band members to sign it! Let's see, I got a few guys from Nickelback to sign, Jason DeVore from Authority Zero, a guy from Lifer, 2 guys from AFI, the singer from 4614 (a local band), 2 guys from Handsome Devil, and a few other ones that I didn't even really know who they were. :-) And I also got some pictures with some guys, but it was on my friend's camera, so we have to make copies of them. Hopefully I'll get them soon and can put them up. We even got to go backstage and meet Nickelback! I also saw Aaron Lewis from Staind pretty close, but he was a jerk and wouldn't sign anyone's stuff. Besides getting a HUGE migraine and feeling like I was gonna puke, I had such a blast! And hopefully I'll be seeing AUTHORITY ZERO again in Tempe on October 20. Well, that's all for now.

Ok, I'm hoping that our computer is fixed for good now. It wasn't working for a long time, so we couldn't even get Windows 98. It was terrible. I'm sure you all know about September 11...As everyone has said, I can't believe this has happened to us. To me, it seems so surreal and more like a movie than real life. I keep praying that they will find more surviving people in the rubble, but in the past day or so, they haven't. That disappoints me. I can just picture the people who are alive and underneath all of that mess, pounding away to be heard. And then those who used their cell phones to contact their families from the hijacked planes...It was so sad to hear that they said things like "I want to let you know that I love you." Today when I was watching all the memorial services on TV, it was the first time that I have actually cried. Don't get me wrong, I have felt so much sorrow due to all of this, but I never cried until now. I think it was just the sight of everyone finally coming together and keeping these victims in memory. But wow, I think I'll be quiet now. =)

We started school on the 6th, so that's really why I haven't been updating anything. I just go to school, go to work, come home and go to bed. I'll check my e-mail once in awhile, but that's about it. But besides starting school, nothing new has happened. One of my friends is coming back from Germany on the 15th with his class and I'm really excited to see him again. When he was here the first time, we really didn't get along, but then he called me before he went back to Germany and sort of patched things up with me so now I'm happy he's coming back. Anyway, boring news...I suppose I'll quit talking/typing.

I haven't been able to get online for awhile, that's why I haven't updated anything lately. I've been working at 11:30 instead of 3:30, so I'm earning extra cash. I figured out how much I'll have by the next paycheck, and I'll have $440+ saved up for my Germany trip! So I know that I'll be able to go. I've also ok'ed it with my boss, and he said he won't mind me taking a few weeks off in October. Yay!

I got my Sr. pics taken, finally. I think they came out pretty good. I'm gonna be able to see them on Saturday. I'm really dreading this week at work. I have to work at 11:30 instead of 3:30, and I really don't know the routine, but hopefully I'll do ok. Last night we went out to eat (my family, two of my friends, and two of my parents' friends from Oklahoma that we haven't seen in awhile) and I got in a fight with my dad...I was so pissed. But anyway, it seems like he's over it today and I'm basically just like "whatever." So now my friends probably think he's a psycho - he sort of is :-) - but oh well.

I haven't written in a few days because our Internet wasn't working. But not much has happened since the 24th. My sister and I got up early this morning and went shopping all day and spent about $175 on not much stuff. :-) I finally completed my outfit for Sr. pics. I got the cutest shoes! *lol* But that's really all the news that's happened lately.

I didn't really do anything interesting today. At about 1, Libby called me up and wanted to see my "new hair" so I walked down the street to meet her and she thought it was cool. I felt kinda awkward talking to her since we haven't talked in person for so long! *lol* :-) But anyway, then I went to work and was flirting with one of the guys I like. haha, It was quite funny. Well, I have emails to reply to, so I'm gonna leave now!

Well, I made it through registration; I'm still alive. *lol* I got my schedule, which I'm about 75% happy with, but there are classes on there that I don't really want. Anyway, I got my hair straightened today! I love it so much. My mom took some pics of me tonight of me, so when I get them developed, I'll put them on here. I'm getting Senior pictures in 5 days! Even though I can't stand taking pictures, I'm excited to get them done. My 2 very good friends are taking them with me!

I sat around in my pajamas all day! *lol* Wait, no I didn't...I got dressed at around 4:30 and went to the store with my mom. But until 4:30, I was in my pajamas! :-) Yeah, so no real news. My friend Casey wrote me an email and I haven't heard from her in so long! It's really cool because we met online because we both liked the same band, but we've never met (she lives kinda far, but I could still drive there). But still, her and I are SO alike! We say the same things and we both have the same sense of humor. She's the coolest person. So I was really excited she wrote me. Tomorrow is registration at school (yuck) so I have to get up fairly early. I'll close now...

I finally got half an outfit for Sr. Pics. :-) I got a shirt with a jacket that goes over it. It's pretty cute I guess. My mom and sister really liked it, and plus the girls that worked there also said it was cute. Now I have to find something to wear with it, if it's a skirt or pants...But anyway. I'm so worn out right now. I'll probably do a little more work on the site and then go to bed. I have a big day of cleaning the house tomorrow! yuck. Oh yeah - I also got my car fixed today! Thanks to my parents because they paid for it...Otherwise I would've had to pay for it from my Germany money!

Nothing new has happened today. Tonight wasn't busy at work, so that was good. When it isn't busy, my and my co workers just stand around and do funny stuff. Sometimes I beat up (well not literally) the guy I work with. It's quite fun. :-) *lol* Tomorrow should be fun. I'm supposed to get my hair cut and we're going shopping too for school clothes. Oh, and I'm getting an outfit for my Senior Pics.

I found this great website called Computer Pranks (look for it on my Links page), and I was up until 1:30 a.m. this morning looking at all the funny stuff they have on there, so that's why there's a lack of a July 18 entry. :-) I had a little fiasco with my car - We took it in to the dealership where I got it and they were gonna do the work that needed done for $140 so my mom's like "no way that's too expensive" so she calls this other tire place and told them my car had 13 inch tires so he told her it would be about $100 and so we took it there and then he looked at my car and said they were 14 inch tires and it would be $180 so then my mom freaks out and is like "no way! ok, we're not doing it here" so then she calls the dealership and the guy says he'll order the new tires and they'd fix it tomorrow so we're all "ok" and then I get home from work tonight and my mom told me now we're NOT taking it back to the dealership because my dad knows a guy that works at a tire place and he can get them on for cheap. So, my day was pretty much spent driving around. Yeah, I guess I either ran over a really sharp rock or someone slashed my tires (jerks) because the whole inside is just crapped up. It started shaking really bad on like, last Tuesday and then the guy at the dealership said he couldn't get me in until a week later on Thursday and then when he looked at the tires he said he was surprised I actually made it a whole week without the tire blowing up! Scary huh? I can't even change a tire! Imagine me on the side of the road...I'd just sit there and not do anything. :-) Luckily I have my cell phone!

Well, I successfully changed my schedule today. I'm really happy because I really didn't want to take AP English. I actually went out and did something tonight! :-) My friend Amanda picked me up after I got off work and we went to Chili's. I had a lot of fun. Whenever we get together, we always have so much to talk about. It took us so long to actually eat! *lol* She always makes me laugh. I really think our Senior year is gonna rock! We have plans to go out to an all-ages club and dance (maybe I'll meet a hot guy *lol*) and also like, a week before we graduate, we want to get all dressed up really nice and go to a fancy restaurant. I'm so excited to graduate! The end of May! Woo hoo! But then again, I'm like, freaked out because I depend on my mom for everything. I don't even do my own laundry! I know, it sounds lame...I just hope I can get things done without her when I move out.

Nothing eventful happened today. I woke up fairly late, took a shower, and sat around all day. But I went to work at 3:30 and came home and talked to my friend on the phone. Tomorrow I'm going to try to talk to my counselor at school and hopefully I can change my class schedule. I signed up for AP English IV, but I can't STAND the teacher, so I'm gonna try to get just Advanced English IV. And there's some other classes I'm going to try to get changed. I'm taking Senior pictures the 28th of this month, and I really hope they come out good! If so, I'll post it on my site.

It's late but I figured it'd be so unfaithful of me to not do anything with my site for three days! *lol* I'm feeling way better and so I'll be able to finally go to the mall next weekend for school clothes! yay! :-) I didn't even go out of the house this weekend. How lame. But I was feeling so icky I just stayed in bed most of the weekend and said "woe is me." No real news though...

7-13-01 FRIDAY THE 13th!
I haven't been feeling very good the past couple days, so my weekend will probably suck. My friend invited me to go shopping with her, and I really hope I feel up to it. If not, I'll just stay in bed all day (until late night when I update my page *lol*). I almost stayed home from work today, but since I really need the money, I decided to go. It wasn't too bad. I sat down today and figured an estimate of how much money I'll have by the time I go to Germany. If everything goes as planned, I'll have 400-500+ dollars. But something's wrong with my car, so I'll have to pay to have that looked at and fixed. Things always seem to break or go wrong when people are short of cash. It sucks. :-)

I can't believe I forgot to write something yesterday. Oh well. I got caught up in onling shopping, that I totally forgot to even update my page in any way! :-) Earlier today, and until about 5/5:30, has been hell. The littlest things would set me off and I'd just be so mad. I won't tell the reason in here, because it's a bit personal, but let's just say I warned my friends at work not to say or do anything to piss me off or else they'd hear it from me. :-) But after I got into the routine of work, the guys were really cool and I guess I just forgot about being mad (if that's possible). I'm really tired right now, but I'm going to continue my online school-clothes hunt. *lol*

Nothing interesting happened today. I did a little online shopping and found a bunch of stuff I want my mom to buy me, even though I know she won't because they cost quite a bit of money. I think that I have to find yet ANOTHER guestbook to put on here because I don't think it's working. Ahhh!!!! }:-|

I've been trying to find a halfway decent guestbook to add to my site. It's so frustrating because they are all so ugly! I finally picked one that will do (I suppose). I finally got pics developed from July 4th when I had my German friends over, so you can check them out. I did a little construction on my site today; nothing major, but it's a change. I'm still saving to go to Germany. I haven't given up, but I only have $60! How lame. Maybe I'll ask my grandma and other relatives for a small contribution - the "Alicia Needs To Go To Germany Fund." Sounds good right? :-)

I got up at 9 something this morning. I went to the mall at 11. Stayed for 3 1/2 hours. Came back with a BATHING SUIT. That's it. Actually I found some cute things, but I'll probably get them on Friday. I'm taking Senior pictures at the end of this month, and I found a cute outfit, but I need a friend's opinion before I buy it. So that's why I didn't get anything. We rented "Vertical Limit" and I just finished watching it. I really liked it. It's cool. I also talked to my friend from South Dakota that I haven't seen in like, forever (we've been best friends for 13 years) and I'm really hoping that she can save enough money to come see me. I'll be so excited! Anyway, that's all the news for today!

If you have a sister or a brother, you must know how much they annoy you right? My sister is 13 and thinks she's so cool. We've basically been fighting all day. We were swimming and arguing so she comes after me and is trying to pull me under water and is scratching me! Sounds psycho huh? Yeah, I'm beginning to think she is.

I said goodbye to one of my German friends. I'll see him and his twin brother in February/March, so I really wasn't too sad. Then I went to work and met a new girl. It's kind of hard to explain who she is (like you care anyway, lol) so I won't even try. Well have you ever seen "Pay It Forward"? I just finished watching it, and I'm thinking 'what a waste of money!' It's such a pointless movie and really has no plot whatsoever. I just don't understand how people could actually recommend it. Suck ass movie. Don't see it. Oh yeah, I also put some new links and pics up.

Made my website. It's basically the first halfway decent site I've ever made.